
HumTech2014 Recap

Thank you to all HumTech2014 participants. Please save the date for HumTech2015.

Conference Photos

HumTech2014 (Day 1) Visualization

Contributed by Willow Brugh

Trends, Tensions, Take-Aways, and Tweets from Humanitarian Technology 2014

Contributed by Frank Bergh, Contributing Editor at Engineering for Change
The first annual Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems, and Global Impact Conference, better known as #HumTech2014, made a big splash in its first year as a new entrant in the emerging thought leadership circuit for Development Engineering and Disaster Relief. read more

DHE at Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems, and Global Impact 2014

13 – 15 MAY 2014 | BOSTON, MA USA

Humanitarian Technology: Science, Systems and Global Impact